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Meeting the Unique Lending Needs of our Customers

Turner Investments was formed to meet unique lending needs not addressed in the conventional market. The involvement over the years of unusual lending needs interested Philip Johnson in the market of providing funding for situations not viable for regular bank financing.

The ability to see opportunities, where others see problems, has led to many viable loan situations. The construction experience enables us to evaluate each lending opportunity on its own unique requirements.

We’re here no matter how unique the situation

An example was a house in Holbrook. The owners had a deposit on a new house to be constructed and a purchase and sale on their existing house, everything seemed fine. The untimely kitchen fire in their home resulted in their buyer backing out. Their insurance company was dragging their feet, meanwhile they were about to loose their deposit on their new home. Time was running out. A real estate broker secured a contractor/buyer to purchase their fire damaged home, as is. Turner Investments provided financing in less than one week on the fire damaged home. Everyone continued on happy, from a bad situation.

We have the experience in lending, and construction, to provide financing on a case by case basis, unlike most lending institutions, lending decisions are based on the merits of the property rather than the borrower’s credit rating.

If you think your situation is unique, please call, we like challenges!

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